22 September 2007

Colombia University = Traitors

Who in the Hell do you idiots think you are? Inviting that Islamo-Nazi Ahmedinejad to speak to an American audience, on American soil, about his anti-American world view? Don't you understand that the man is behind the insurgency, in Iraq? He denies the Holocaust ever even happened, and upholds the Nuremberg Laws (anti-Semitic laws drafted by Nazi Germany, in 1935), while demanding that all other countries in the world also adopt them. He is the enemy of our sworn ally, Israel, and has vowed to "wipe them off the map. He wants our country to fall into ruin, and our bodies laying dead, in our own streets. For shit's sake, he's been trying to build nuclear weapons, for the sole purpose of using them against us, and Israel!
And, yet, somehow... your tiny little liberal brains have decided that it's appropriate to allow him to speak, at your university. Please explain to me, how that makes sense. How do you stupid, stupid people not see things, this way? To what extent are you going to cling to your stupidity?

And, I've heard the excuse of "he has a right to speak there"... no he fucking doesn't. He's not an American citizen, so he has no rights, in our country. We don't even have to let him in. To go further, I need to repeat that he's our enemy... the leader of a country that hates us... he, himself, hates us. That being said, he's lucky we don't kill him, as soon as he sets foot on American soil.
If someone wanted to kill me, and my whole family, I wouldn't let him into my frickin living room. He wouldn't make it past the driveway. We should treat Ahmedinejad the same way, and it's shameful and dishonorable that we're not. If he wanted to come here to discuss peace, and the end of his nuclear weapons program, I would say welcome him. But, he's not... he's coming here, to stir shit up... and, I'm glad that, at least the NYPD won't let him near the WTC site... that sent him a clear message that he's not welcome on our soil. But, then Colombia had to go and reverse that entire attitude, by telling him "We'll let you speak at our university".

Bullshit. Treason. Dishonor.

Traitors... that's what you are. You've betrayed your own country, whether you morons think you have, or not. I hope you're made to pay the price, for your foolishness. You don't even have enough pride, honor, and loyalty, to stand up for your own country, and tell that raghead to fuckoff.
Well, Colombia University... you make me sick. But, what should I expect from a University that refuses to carry an ROTC program. Anti-American pinko traitors... all of you.

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