15 October 2007


Supposedly, Google doesn't allow free speech, when it comes to criticizing MoveOn.org.... well, I am a defender of the Constitiution, and an advocate of free speech, so here's my anti-MoveOn speech. Get ready, everyone... this may be my last post. Not that you read my Conservative rantings, anyway.

MoveOn.org, you are a brood of vipers, poisoning the minds of impressionable American adult-children. You spew foundation-less slander, and you have a seriously warped sense of what freedom of speech means. Freedom of speech is not just for Democrats, nor is free religious expression only for everyone but Christians.
Pull your Liberal heads out of your asses, and take a look around. We are a country at war... and presidential elections are not popularity contests.
Dishonorable fools.

Let the censorship begin.

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