17 September 2007

Move On, and Sen. Klintonski

Well... I wanted to calm down, before I posted this... I didn't want to write angry... but, nobody reads my damn blog, anyway... so, I don't care.

Moveon.org, and everyone's favorite Commie presidential candidate teamed up, and slandered GEN Petraeus. Clinton even went as far as to call him a liar, straight to his face.
I've got a plan to remedy all this. First of all, I think Mrs. Clinton needs to write a hand-written letter of apology to GEN Petraeus, and send a copy of that letter to every servicemember who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan. After that, she needs to gear up, and walk the streets of Baghdad, with an Infantry unit, and get a feel for what it's like, to be in our boots. I mean the whole damn thing, too... no fancy hair, no fancy suit... just a uniform, a kevlar, and a flak vest.

Maybe she can suspend her disbelief, then. But, all the same... she'll never be my "CinC".


Murphy's Law 1 said...

SGT. Baxter,
I greatly appreciate your comment, and thank you for your service, during WW2. I believe your peers truly are the "Greatest Generation". I would love nothing more than for my generation to live up to your example. You paved the way for my generation of servicemembers... without you, and your battle buddies, there might not even *be* an American military.
I fully argee with your comments. You're welcome, on my blog, any time, Sergeant.

-Specialist "Murph", US Army, Combat Arms

Unknown said...

Trust Freedom. Remember, tyrants never learn. The restriction of Freedom is the limitation of human choice. Right on Jim Baxter. But watch your own government. Is It freedom the fact that you cang et arrested without ever knowing why and have no right to a lawyer. Open your eyes. The time of the United States is over. It is time for the world. You have no right to elect someone who will continue war and keep on destroying the earth. Is it normal that more than the half of the world never had the luxury of peanut butter. I think not.
The next question would be : why cant these people afford peanut butter. Maybe its because everytime a non-white country tries to get democracy and Freedom, it is suddenly overthrown by some radical tyrant financed by green bills. If you seek a guilty fo all the world's pain and anger, you only need to look in a mirror.

Look at this if you are courageous enough

Murphy's Law 1 said...

Mr. Gustave, I have every right to vote for whomever I choose, and I'll thank you for not chastising me, about something my country's Constitution says I do have the right to do. Nobody will try to take America's right to vote, freely, away from us, and live to tell the story. I guarantee we'd literally put a bullet between the eyes of anyone who attempts it.
The time of the USA is over? Oh, no, my friend. The time of the USA is merely beginning. The rest of the world hates us, because they're jealous of what we are, what we stand for, and what we are capable of. True, we're selling ourselves short... but, that won't last much longer.
Continuing the war is something we *should* do. Israel understands this... that must be the reason they're our best, and only true ally, in the world. Radical Islamo-fascists should be eliminated, everywhere we find them. We should seek them out, and kill them all. We should teach the world a lesson. And that lesson is; "Fuck with the bull, and you get the horns."
My friend... you have absolutely no clue what freedom is. I'm assuming you're not American... and, if you are, you're a traitor. Freedom is something that is worth dying for. Freedom is something that is worth killing for. I stand ready, every day, to do either of those things, gladly.
Destroying the planet? You're naive and arrogant, to think that we could possibly be capable of destroying the planet. That's all I'm going to say about that topic.
Accuse my country of willfully funding tyranny against non-whites? Look at history, my ignorant friend. We're one of the least racist nations, on Earth.

And, since when does any American citizen get denied the right to legal representation, after being arrested? I'd like to see you cite me valid cases, in which this happened. I doubt you'll even find one. Bear in mind that only our own legal citizens are entitled to any Constitutional rights.

Educate yourself, before you post here, again. I only allowed your comment, because I wanted to fire back at you, and show anyone who reads that steaming pile of elephant dung you posted, how foolish, ignorant, and stupid you are.
Good day, sir.

God bless America.