05 September 2007

China Needs to STFU

So, the Chinese commit acts of espionage, against us, to attempt to develop an on-par nuclear weapons program, and Clinton lets them get away with it. America, as a whole, has allowed our own jobs to go overseas to China, which has done severe damage to our economy. Their human rights are utterly unacceptable (worse than any extremist Islamic nation, in fact), and we do nothing.
They under-handedly attempt to poison us, with lead in baby bibs, toothpaste, and toys... and, all we do, is wag our collective finger at them. They rattle the saber, by launching an ASAT missile at one of their own satellites, and we all but say "good for you". Now, they hack into unclassified government networks, to spy on us... what are we going to do about that? My guess is nothing.

Where does a 3rd-World Commie nation come off, thumbing their nose at us, the way China has been doing, for years? Where do we come off, letting them aggress us, like this? People should be a Hell of a lot more angry with China... our elected officials should do something about this, before it's too damn late.
If that means economic sanctions, and trade embargoes, so be it. Choke them off, financially, and watch them slowly die, I say. And, then, when they're weak... bomb them. Keep an eye on them, to make sure they don't try and shoot down our satellites, or launch nukes at us. If they do, launch our own ASATs at their network, destroy their powerplants, and plunge them into the dark ages. I have no problem with participating in such actions. I have no love, sympathy, or respect, for China.
Besides... maybe another Cold War would be good for correcting America's permissive attitude, in general. We're the strongest and greatest country, in the world... we need to start acting like it, again.


stkl said...

wow, just wow... Um.. if we went to war with china.. odds are the world would end. Nukes would be flying everywhere and a lot of people would die. People dying in us would be catastrophic people dying in china wouldn't really matter it would actually alleviate some of the famine that plagues them. Yeah so it would be a waste for the usa to go to war with china, we'd just lose mad resources and prob gain nothing. More so we would prob. end up destroying the world trying to take out china. As for china they would be in a better position than they are now. Right now we get all their best exports and THATS no small deal. you need to stop watching so much tv and open yo eyes.

Anonymous said...

Yes we should definatly go to war with china. I mean all they ever do is ship massive amounts of their exports to us. They are the sole existence of walmart, and they don't even have cable tv in most parts of china. Yes when we go to war it will reduce china's population therefore alleviating the population crisis and famine / economy stress problems. China would also get a chance to expand. More land = more places to start a new economy. On the other hand what does the USA have to gain from a war with china? Nothing... anything we want from china we can just buy. So in otherwords China going to war with us or US going to war with them, China would be the only ones profiting on it. Unfortunatly I doubt China would ever be able to cash in on that "Profit" so to speak, because the world would prob. end.

Murphy's Law 1 said...

China can keep it's exports. You want your children playing with toys that contain poisonous lead paint? I don't. China is one of the most irresponsible industrial nations, on Earth. Their human rights are utterly horrible, and they seem to take great pleasure in pissing us off.
They spy on us, and steal our nuclear secrets, through espionage, and subterfuge. Do you really think we should just let them get away with it?

What you're really saying is "I'm too much of a pansy to fight back, when someone threatens me". Comment on my blog when you can act like a real man, for God's sake.
If there are so many people who think that nothing is worth fighting for, I don't think there's any hope for this nation.
Why do I even bother busting my ass, risking my life, and barely providing for my family, to defend freedom, when this country is populated, to the gills with cowards, fools, and ingrates, who do nothing but whine, wimp-out, protest justified wars, and care more about what Paris Hilton is wearing than they do about their own country?

Tell me to stop watching so much TV? A Liberal like you is one to talk... at least I don't believe everything I see on the tube. I've been to war... there's not many things that open your eyes wider than that will.
You're just ignorant. I hate ignorance.

Murphy's Law 1 said...

and now, for your ignorant comment, Mr. Anonymous...
Do you have any idea how much it hurts our economy to constantly buy from other countries, while exporting very little of our own products?
China doesn't really have much we want, anyway. Most of the "imports" we get from China, are actually products of American companies, that we manufacture, in China, because some corporate douchebag wants to make more money.
What do we have to gain? Our pride, our economy, and our jobs. The benefit of China leaving us the Hell alone, would be reason enough. China is one of those nations that needs to be afraid of us. They're not, and that's why they're doing what they're doing. If you're too blind to see that, then maybe you're just another ignorant Liberal fool. Our economic situation should be evidence enough, that we are making a huge mistake, with the way we do things.

Anonymous said...

Ok I am not exactly sympathetic to Chinese national interests (any group of people who can be so vitriolic against someone as peace loving as the Dalai Lama is missing the big picture) ...but you sir, are truly foaming at the mouth. Oh yes; Bomb China. The USA can't even get it right in Iraq.

Here's a suggestion: Finish the war you are already fighting on 2 fronts before you open up a third.

Oh and another thing: attacking the political beliefs of other commentors only makes YOU look like a narrow minded bully. I especially enjoyed how you question the manliness of someone who advocates peace, as if launching a nuke was the highest expression of masculinity. Douche.

Murphy's Law 1 said...

We can't even get it right, in Iraq, eh? You've got to be watching CNN, if you think that way. Despite what the media wants everyone to think... the Iraq situation is improving, in a dramatic way.
If you're unsympathetic for China, I can say that at least we agree on that... that would be the whole point to my "foaming at the mouth" rant. Thank you for at least getting that point. That's a sincere thanks, too.

I doubt it would take much for us to fight a war on three fronts... especially when a war with China would really only require the Air Force and Navy. A full-scale ground war would be suicide, for us. To quote a famous movie; "Never start a land war, in Asia. Never gamble with a Sicilian."

If you think I'm a douche, that's fine by me... you're allowed to have your opinion, and I'm not one to discourage name-calling. So, feel free to call me anything but "late for dinner".
Along the same lines... you're allowed to attack my political beliefs. I encourage it, so long as you don't mind me attacking yours. This is a no-holds-barred political blog.
Free speech is the law, on "Freedom Deals The Deadly Blow". The only things that are off-limits spouses and children, and outright slander. A direct personal attack (done correctly) doesn't make anyone look like a bully... it makes them look like they have conviction, and aren't afraid to stand up for their beliefs. I encourage that, too... especially when it's a response to having your own beliefs attacked.
By my rules, I have seen no fouls, by anyone, so far.

Lastly... I'll question the manliness of a Liberal, all day long. They're going to question my sanity, just like you did... so, all's fair.
And, I never advocated use of nuclear weapons. I hate nukes, and I wish mankind could un-invent them.

That's all, for now. I hope you understand what this blog is all about, and I hope you'll come back, and debate with me. Just leave the boxing gloves at home... I like to go bare-knuckle, in any kind of political discussion/debate/argument.
This blog is intended to be aggressive, and heated.


Unknown said...

well murph, I have to, at the least, credit you for your even-handedness in your reply.

Now - I'm not one to claim to have in-depth knowledge whatsoever in the arena of military strategy but I agree nukes are insane in any conflict situation. I also acknowledge that the US has the most effective conventional fighting force on the planet. Someone has to, and I'm glad it's you and not some other country.

Princess bride quotes notwithstanding, I believe you to be correct in your assertion that a land war would be a bad move. I'd up that further and say ANY war...more than what you are already engaged in, would be..well, not so good. Afghanistan, i feel, is a just cause, not so much Iraq (though that is not so much my affair, as Canada only has troops in Afghanistan - although I guess many Americans feel the same)

It would hardly be fair to bare knuckle it with you without you at least knowing my world view. First off, being Canadian, I share a love of freedom just like you and yours. I am motivated to stand up and defend it. However, you can't split us up into Left/Right as easily as (forgive me: for this is how it seems to us) Americans.

Freedom, for us here, is necessarily bound up in our relationship with America; I'm not blind to this whatsoever. Because of this we have a vested interest in your prosperity, and, as such, and as your friends, your partners in business...well you get the idea: we want to try to help you guys contain the discord, but we feel a lot of it is caused by greed, by irresponsible policy overseas, and not just in the present administration; for YEARS. Greed is a powerful motivator too: people who live in squalor ain't got shit to lose, and if you give them a gun and a promise of better things hereafter, you got a suicidal terrorist with a chip on his shoulder.

I found your blog by googling "China stfu"; to an extent I must agree with your POV. What scares me is unbridled aggression, unchecked by rational discourse.

A LOT of my opinion stems for the feeling that the US just sort of packed it up in the Afghan campaign, and went off to kick other anthills with little justification and dubious evidence. Meanwhile, we're still in there and to be fair THAT's where the extremism is (Afghanistan and Pakistan are arguably more volatile even if they are presently calmer. Who knows how many camps still exist in the unpatrolled border region) I know there is now terrorism in Iraq, but oddly enough, it's arrival en-masse, oddly coincides with the American presence there.

To sum up my wordy rant:
Murphy: Glad you clarified, I agree in principle, not in degree. Now you know my stance; thanks for provoking my thought process.

US in general: Calm down. You're still on top by a wide margin. Finish what you have started then build bridges, it's a small world.

China: still..STFU. Really - You just sound laughable when you say those moronic things. Shut up before we can't keep holding our bigger cousin from smackin' ya.

Anonymous said...

We need to fuck china up bad. They have already taken over a lot of land in Xinkiang, Turkmenistan, Tibet, Vietnam, India etc. What makes one think that they'll leave us.

But we should stick to cold war and choke them before we can take an excuse to bomb them to kingdom come (Taiwan, DMZ, India have your pick).

Anonymous said...

I agree Mike, India is one country that can take it to the Chinese, and probably will.

Freedom for Tibet will come just like freedom came for the former soviet republics, for East Timor, South Africa etc.

We need to choke he Chinese bad, and do it now