27 August 2007

The Travesty of Abortion, Pt. 1

A post I read, on AKO (Army Knowledge Online) Message Boards... all I have to say, is way-to-go, brother!

2: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

14: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

"The 14th Amendment clearly defines that legal abortion is unconstitutional. The political spin come into play, when we start trying to define exactly when someone "becomes" a person. That's what frustrates the living crap out of me.
A living human being is a person (until they rape, murder, or child-molest), and that status is bestowed at the moment of conception. Nothing is added, by taking one's first breath of oxygen, outside the womb.
All the genetic information is already there... the soul (if indeed, there is one) is already there... and, so is life. There should be no denying that.

As far as the 2nd Amendment goes... that's three different things; a militia (National Guard), a standing Army, and an armed general citizenry. There's no arguing with that. It takes some scrutiny, but it doesn't say that *only* the military, and police, are entitled to own firearms.
I think that those nutcases in the woods that form their own independent "militias" are reading too much into it. If they want to play soldier, they need to sign up, and do it for real.
I put them in the same category as people who try to bend the 2nd Amendment to mean that the general public isn't entitled to guns.

The only reason I bring up gun control, is as a parallel to the abortion topic... to show everyone how out-of-control Leftist spin became, in the 70's and 80's... to dare to circumvent even the Constitution.
I held these same opinions, before I took my oath of service, and I feel even more strongly, now that I have sworn an oath, before God, to uphold the words in that document.
That is why I argue so fiercely against abortion (aside from my moral, spiritual, and scientific standpoints). That is why I will continue to go rounds with anyone who disagrees with me."
- Name withheld

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