26 August 2007


You see... this is why I think Ann Coulter is freakin awesome:

Remember all those bumper stickers, a few years ago that said "Rush is Right"? I'd like to make a few that say "Ann is Right".
She really did nail it, on this one. I couldn't have hoped to have worded it better, myself... so I'm not gonna try. I'm just going to link to Ms. Coulter's commentary, and tell everyone that I 100% agree with her.

1 comment:

Stephen R. Maloney said...

On my own blog today (August 27, 2007 at http://camp2008victorya.blogspot.com, I offer some good advice to Gov. Huckabee on how he can advance his standing in the race for the Republican nomination and the presidency. I'd love to hear your comments (and get your support for my suggestions). Thanks.

steve maloney
ambridge, pa
national coordinating team Palin 4 VP

Many Huckabee backers are also supporting Sarah Palin for V-P