07 September 2007

Another Travesty

News Flash, morons! Killing your own child is still murder!
Why is Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby walking away from murdering her 2-year-old daughter? I don't care what she says... she left her child in a car, in almost 100-degree weather, for 8 hours. I have children, of my own... I *always* know if they're in the car, or not. I *always* know if I've dropped them off at the babysitter's house, or not. There is no possible way that this idiot could have "forgotten" that her kid was in there. It sounds like a bullshit excuse, to me.
Obviously, I'm the stupid one, though... because a prosecutor (who is supposed to be a lot smarter than an Artilleryman) said that she's not a criminal. Maybe I'm the idiot, afterall. Maybe murdering your own child isn't a crime. It must be that it's only a crime if you *almost* kill your kid... cuz, that father who left his 2-year-old in the car, while he went into a brothel, for a blow job... he's getting hit with everything, it looks like.
Or, maybe it's just that Nevada has more common sense and brain-power, per-capita, than does Ohio. That's entirely possible, to my mind.

So, no we have to look at statistics. It's rare that I do this, so pay attention. Out of 340 cases of child-murders-by-hot-car, in the last decade, only half of them were brought to court, on criminal charges. That's already a travesty, in itself... murdering a child should be pursued, by the court, even more aggressively than murdering an adult. But, only 81% of those cases resulted in a conviction, and 50% of those convictions resulted in jail time.
(according to MSNBC... we'll give them the benefit of doubt, just this once)
What in the Hell is going on, here? Does this piss anyone else off, or am I just crazy?
Why are parents allowed to get away with shit like this? Why do people, in this country just let child-killers go, with a slap-on-the-wrist? Child murder is not some lesser crime. It takes a much sicker mind to willfully murder a child, than it does to rape a full-grown woman (and, we all know how strongly I feel about sex crimes). Child murder is *WORSE* than killing an adult, no matter how you look at it, and it should be punished more harshly.
And, the appalling reaction many people had... the thought that the death of her daughter was "punishment enough"... how fucking stupid are you bleeding-heart moonbats?

Sue Smith should have been put to death. So should that lady that dropped her live, 6-month-old baby into a bucket of wet cement, because she thought her boyfriend didn't want to be with a woman who had kids. So should Brenda Slaby. So should every other child murderer. And, not in the nice, clean way we execute convicted murderers, now... I'm an advocate of death-by-torture, as a form of execution. Some crimes just flat-out deserve it. If that's what it takes to make people fear breaking the law, again... then, that's what we need to do. Desperate times... desperate measures.

All honesty... Brenda Slaby, you should be literally crucified. You are a horrible human being, and a complete waste of life. I wish we could give you the death penalty, because you deserve it. You deserve a slow, painful death, just like the way your daughter died... only, she never did anything to deserve what happened to her, so yours should be worse.
As for Don White, the prosecutor who thinks this idiot woman isn't a criminal... you don't deserve to represent the law. You are dishonorable.


cincymom513 said...

I live just north of Cincinnati and while this occurred about 6-7 weeks ago, I just now happened upon your article. All I can say is, "Bravo!!"

This case has sickened me from the get-go. While I don't share your sentiments about the excrutiatingly painful death, I strongly believe Ms. Slaby should have been prosecuted for, at the very minimum, Manslaughter. Frankly, I would have preferred Murder.

The fact that the prosecutor showed no balls and didn't prosecute angers me further. He should not be practicing law. Additionally, (and yes, I will use it here), this reeks of advantages to middle to upper class white people..... and I am one of them!

In the state of Ohio, people who torture or kill animals are punished more strongly than Ms. Slaby. What a warped judicial system we have here.

Murphy's Law 1 said...

it's good to know that I'm not the only American that doesn't believe that criminals are victims, too.
That school of thought is unacceptable.