17 August 2007

Why Murph Hates Outsourcing

How many more times am I going to hear about products made in China being recalled, for being poisonous to our children, before we realize that those retards can't be trusted?
How much further is inflation going to rise, before we understand that we are murdering the value of our own money with outsourcing jobs, and importing products? I'm not against importing stuff, by any means. I like my Japanese Playstation 2, and my Japanese car. However... EVERYTHING I buy is made in some other country, by workers who are not American. American companies, importing their own products, from The Philippines, Bangladesh, Mexico, Pakistan, and China. Why? Obviously, because it's cheaper for the American CEO, and his American partners to make ungodly amounts of money, by building a factory in another country, and hiring locals to make their stuff, so they can sell it to Americans.
I honestly don't think they realize how badly that practice is hurting the economy. I want, so badly, to believe that those college educated businessmen are not that fucking stupid... but, the fact is, they are.

It also upsets me, to no end, that I go and enlist to fight a war in which I helped to fund the enemy, by pumping gas into my car. They should have another meter at each gas station pump that tell you how many AK-47's or IED's you just bought for the insurgents.
Especially when I know that there is oil in North America that we could be using, if only the environmentalist nutballs would just get their heads out of eachothers' asses, and stop crying out, every time someone wants to put an offshore rig near Alaska, or the North Pole. They won't be crying when gas prices are under $1.50 a gallon, for 91 octane, and our economy's pulse suddenly spikes.

Let's face it. The way things work, in this country... the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer. And, that's never going to change, so long as we're taxed up the ass, all of the things we buy are imported, and hardly anything is being exported. Don't get me wrong... I love Capitalism... but we, the people, need to demand better of the corporations we buy from. We need to remember that the tax payer is the government's boss, and the consumer is the corporation's boss. That's how it works.
Once that realization returns to us... we'll see an improvement. So stop being sheep, and turn back into wolves.

The go-off on China I started out with? That's for another time. I've got plenty to say about those asshats.

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