17 August 2007

Support Mike Huckabee's Campaign

We have a great opportunity to elect a man that can make a difference, in this country.
Nobody else, in the running, is as suited for the job of president, as is Mike Huckabee. And, nobody else will do as much for the American people.

I'm not going to sit here and prat about the man. Look into it, for yourself. Here's a direct link to his views. Search through all his key points, on the right corner of the following page, and see what I'm so amped up about:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you make of the recent buzz about GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee?

1. Much ado about nothing;

2. A result of the lack of conservative candidates;

3. A promising boost to a potentially successful campaign; or

4. The beginning of Huckabee's rise to the White House