17 August 2007

Media Circus

Something that has always bothered me, is the way that television hypnotizes people. I watch a lot of TV, myself, but I still have the ability to formulate and hold fast to my own opinions, tastes, and beliefs. So, why is it that most of America is swayed to do whatever someone on TV says, just because that person is famous?

TV told you to think that Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and Britney Spears are mega-hotties. I don't think any of them are the least bit attractive. They're disgusting, self-centered, vile people. I see hundreds of people, every day, who are more worthwhile than any celebrity. But, most of you won't care about personality or intellect, so I can't convince you that normal, sincere, good people are more alluring than a dolled-up movie star.
TV told you that you have to buy certain brands. You spend an extra $75 for Nike, over what I pay for Saucony or New Balance. And, you know what? My $40 shoes will outlast your $120 Nikes, by over a year. And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
TV told you to be a Democrat. TV told you that Liberalism is the only thing that will save this country... so, you voted to elect a damn-near all Democrat Congress. What have they done, so far? Nothing constructive, or good, that's for sure. Look at facts.
TV told you the war in Iraq is a lost cause, and that it's illegal. Show me one item, in Geneva Convention that says we can't do what we did, to Iraq. Show me one bit of evidence, from the streets of Baghdad, that tells me we're not on the verge of victory, in Iraq.
TV tells you that you don't need a gun, as long as you have a home-security system. Well, how many inmates are in jail for kicking someone's door down, and running away, as soon as the alarm went off? How many families were sent to the morgue, because dad pulled out a gun to defend his home? I'll wager the answers to both questions are the same; "Pretty close to zero." When your home is invaded, the one breaking in is going to be armed. It takes 30 minutes for police to show up, once they are called, and about 10 minutes for Brinks to actually call them, after responding, by phone, to the alarm. How long do you think it takes for someone to break in, murder the family (possibly even rape the lady of the house, and maybe the daughter, as well), and loot anything of value? I'll bet that would only take about 10-15 minutes. How long does it take to pull a trigger, and end the whole thing? Less than a second, if you have the courage it takes to defend what is sacred to you, by owning a firearm.

Let me tell you what TV has done, in reality:
I've been to Iraq.I know what it's like, over there, because I've helped fight the war. "News" channels, like CNN and MSNBC have been trying to turn this war into another Vietnam, for whatever reason... I still don't know.
Well, congrats, everyone. You did it. The media frenzy against the president has caused the American people to turn against the war, and in doing so, turned them against the Soldiers Sailors, Airman, and Marines, who are out there, risking everything to fight it. We have lost your support. As much as you say you support us, your actions show that you do not.
Every time you protest the war, or blast the president, and his reasonings, you disarm us, and empower the enemy. Your willingness to believe everything you hear, on TV, has caused you to believe that Iraq never had WMD's, when, in fact, they did. We haven't found them, because Saddam hid them, in Syria. Think about this, for a moment... when a drug dealer knows the police are coming for him, he will get rid of his merchandise, to avoid prosecution. So, why wouldn't Iraq do the same thing, if they knew they were damn wrong?
You believe the rumors that American troops are doing terrible things to the Iraqi people. Look at the history of America, at war. In WWII, when an American unit liberated a town, in Europe, there was a parade... when a Russian or British unit did the same, the people shut themselves inside their houses, and hid. Why? Because everyone knew that Americans were there to free you... not rob, rape, pillage, or subjugate. The American military has always been known as a force of freedom, and an organization of liberators. We have always strove to minimize civilian casualties, unless collateral damage was unavoidable, as part of the war effort (ie: high-altitude bombing, on Germany, or the A-bombs dropped on Japan).
Yes, some of our troops have done horrible things. Rare, isolated incidents of troops that have become so fed-up with the two-faced nature of some of the people in the Middle East, and the lack of support from their own countrymen, that they turned into crazed animals, and committed atrocities. Those men were dealt with. Abu Ghraib was not an incident of war crimes. Abu Ghraib was justified, and the only thing that should have been seen as wrong, was the simple fact that some soldiers took pictures of what was happening. Why do I say that? Because we're not fighting a standing army, in the GWOT... we're fighting fanatical religious zealots.
However, the feeding-frenzy to catch war crimes has caused us to have to think twice, before we open fire on a valid target. It is absolutely reprehensible that we have to fill out paperwork, and go through investigations for every incident involving an exchange of fire. If WWII would have been fought, this way, I would be typing this message in German. Soldiers have been charged with crimes, for simply doing their jobs. That, my fellow Americans, is the real crime. That is the real atrocity.
How about casualty reports? News networks seem to want to treat dead American servicemembers like murder victims. I absolutely demand that everyone stop doing that, now. You minimize the great sacrifice that the fallen heroes have willingly made, every time you do that. And, when you do that, you reduce morale of the living troops.
Furthermore, that goddamn television has been spewing out the same tired old bullshit, as before... celebrity so-and-so did this, or that, or any one of a number of insignificant events, that have nothing to do with the fact that we are at war. Almost as though you think that if you ignore it, it will all be better, or the expectation that Bush will "see the light", any day, now, and pull the troops out.
Why doesn't anybody know about real heroes, and role models? People like SGT. Leigh Ann Hester, or SFC Paul Ray Smith? How about SPC Ross McGinness, or Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham? I'll tell you why. Because you're too busy worrying about Brittney's "tragic breakdown", or Paris Hilton's DUI. Why is it that 100, out of 100 people, in America know that Anna Nicole Smith died of a drug overdose, but less than 5 of those same 100 cannot tell me the name of the last man to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor? Because you don't give a damn.
Bravery, heroism, virtue, morality, and manliness are not rewarded, in this culture. You would rather see a scruffy-haired, pink-shirted, half-gay sissy man, on TV, than a grizzled, dirty-faced, worn-out man in desert camouflage. You think a skanky attention-whore, or a raunchy, outlandish rapper is of more value than a respected preacher, or a calm, quiet and confident military leader. Who are your heroes? What are your values? Where do you think we're going to be, as a society, in the next 10 years, as a result of the path we're taking?
That's what you need to think about.

20 years ago, when it became illegal to pray, or speak of God, in schools... you were all warned that it was a mistake. Those warnings became prophecy, when the next generation had the highest teen pregnancy rate in history, on-campus massacres became almost common-place, and drugs, alcohol, and violence turned into something of an unofficial extra-curricular activity. Not to mention that teen suicides are up, grades are down, and schools don't really teach much of anything.
There is no more virtue, because morality is gone. There is no morality, because without a spiritual basis for such things, they cannot exist. There is no spiritual basis, because we have become a nation with no beliefs.

How about crime? A disarmed population is vulnerable, and that's what criminals want. To make matters worse, jails and prisons are like vacation homes. Nobody's afraid of prison, anymore. Plus, they won't spend much time there, to begin with, due to plea bargaining. And, with the infrequent, and timid use of the death penalty, there is little incentive to go through life without murdering anyone.

Stop listening to TV, and start listening to common sense. If you don't... we're all doomed. Right now, the only things anyone is interested in, is the latest trend, or the newest products, clothes, cars, and music... simply because they're new, and a commercial hyped them up. Anything that isn't trendy is worthless, to you. Well... you're all sheep, if you ask me. Mindless sheep.
If everyone's a sheep, and the shepherd isn't watching, the few that are wolves will come in, and wreak havoc on the flock. Is that what you want? Then, fucking do something about it!

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