17 August 2007

Oh No, Not Another Political Blogger!

This is my greeting, to any and everyone who finds this little place. I know I've not done anything new, or original, here. But, I have my opinions on things, and I'm going to voice them, here. Some information may be wrong, from time-to-time, and I will do my best to avoid such things. Please call me out, if I am misinformed. The last thing we need, in America is more false "facts" running around.
I will not lie to you... I am a conservative, and I am a US Servicemember. My views do not directly reflect those of the military, nor of the government, as a whole. Controversial subject will be discussed, here... but, they are personal views, and nothing more. Don't ask me questions about rank, identity, location, or unit, because I won't answer those. If anyone I know, personally, finds their way here, please do me the courtesy of referring to me as simply "Murph".

Blatantly hateful comments will be deleted. I won't tolerate anyone who comes on here, just to disrespect anyone. Feel free to debate with me, if you like. If you attack someone, give plausible cause for it, and you will be heard. Swearing does not offend me... I'll do it, too. But, please keep it to as much of a minimum as possible.
Also, I am not afraid to be made public. If I wanted to keep this blog private, I wouldn't have let everyone view and comment in it. So, if you're someone like Bill O'Rielly, Ann Coulter, Keith Olbermann, or Michelle Malkin... feel free to link to me, comment, or even email me. I will respond, as I can.

But, first things, first. Let's get a few things straight, for the record: The Global War on Terror is not illegal, or immoral. Stupid decisions have been made, on all sides, and we need to clean up the mess. Like it, or not, George Bush is, in fact, the real President... he didn't steal the election. I know he lost the popular vote, but so did Clinton... and, nobody complained about that. Political Correctness doesn't solve anything, so it will not be used, here... PC is like putting a poster over a hole in the wall.
And, finally... we are a country at war. It's about time we started acting like it.

That is all.
Murphy's Law 1, out.

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