21 December 2007
To The Northwest Volunteer "Army"....
I ran across this imbecile, while researching the Lakota fiasco... it's so hard to believe that people actually buy into this brand of faggotry (as in stupidity... I have no beef with homosexuals).
Read up, if you have the patience for such blinding ignorance. Here's their address:
I posted this comment, though it may get deleted. I'm not sorry for being so harsh... in fact, I'm rather proud of myself:
"Dear Silly Racist Pricks,
The sheer magnitude of your ignorance is absolutely staggering.
I'm a combat veteran, serving in the forces which defend my country, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I can tell you two things, with absolute certainty; 1) everyone bleeds red, and I don't care what color the guy in the foxhole, next to me is, so long as he watches my '6, 2) when you decide to start your racial holy war, I hope I get to participate, against you fools. My predecessors killed the Nazis, and I'd love to follow in their footsteps.
As for your sad, pathetic little band... you should follow your leader, and eat a bullet.
Since we all know you freak boys don't read too many history books, you might want to know that Hitler's mother was a Jew. Which means he was a circumcised, card-carrying Jew, himself.
Deal with it, bitch.
See you, on the battlefield. I hope I plug a few of your pie-holes, for good.
I think I'll be regularly harassing this smooth-brained ape. I fucking hate racists... especially if they're Nazis.
Read up, if you have the patience for such blinding ignorance. Here's their address:
I posted this comment, though it may get deleted. I'm not sorry for being so harsh... in fact, I'm rather proud of myself:
"Dear Silly Racist Pricks,
The sheer magnitude of your ignorance is absolutely staggering.
I'm a combat veteran, serving in the forces which defend my country, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I can tell you two things, with absolute certainty; 1) everyone bleeds red, and I don't care what color the guy in the foxhole, next to me is, so long as he watches my '6, 2) when you decide to start your racial holy war, I hope I get to participate, against you fools. My predecessors killed the Nazis, and I'd love to follow in their footsteps.
As for your sad, pathetic little band... you should follow your leader, and eat a bullet.
Since we all know you freak boys don't read too many history books, you might want to know that Hitler's mother was a Jew. Which means he was a circumcised, card-carrying Jew, himself.
Deal with it, bitch.
See you, on the battlefield. I hope I plug a few of your pie-holes, for good.
I think I'll be regularly harassing this smooth-brained ape. I fucking hate racists... especially if they're Nazis.
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Where does "Nazi" come from, Douchebag??
Do you think that the way our government is run now is working?
Aren't you tired of whore politicians who serve corporations and self interest (like the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam) groups instead of the people who elected them?
Did you read the proposed Consitution?
What Nazi government gives complete freedom to possess firearms to it's people?
Our U.S. government today and now, is MUCH more Nazi-like than you could ever imagine.
Read about the Real ID act, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, etc.
Time to wake up, asshole.
Unless YOU'RE a Nazi, you should be tired of the constant and ever increasing encroachment of our freedoms by our corrupt government today.
While I don't agree with the racism part, I DO agree with EVERYTHING else.
AND, I KNOW I'm NOT alone.
Thank you, White Racist Destroyer.
Even though you don't agree with the racism part, you are MAN enough to see that our proposed form of constitution grants more freedom than what our "government" is giving us today.
You possess that ability because you are WHITE.
If you were a cross between a GOOK and a SPIC like 'Murphy's Law' is, you would also be just as stupid as he is too.
Actually... the Vietnamese are gooks, and Mexicans are spics... I am neither. So, again... you lose.
Questioning my manliness isn't something you should do, without first looking at the facts.
I have defended the people of both America, and Iraq, in open combat, with a mutually hated enemy. Have you ever seen the fields of battle? Do you know the fury, beauty, and horror, of war?
If not, I suggest you sit down, shut up, and leave such things to the grown-ups. If so, then your opinion on manliness is welcome, even though you're a racist scumbag.
Afterall... the 1st Amendment does technically grant you the right to say such ignorant things.
As far as the government I serve... I don't like the fact that it caters to *any* special interest groups, whatsoever. I don't like the fact that the justice system views *any* criminals as victims.
That's regardless of anyone's color, creed, or lifestyle.
I, gentlemen, am a Libertarian. I believe in *our* Bill of rights, and *our* Constitution. Not that of this "All White Nation" crap.
I believe that the framers of our government knew what the Hell they were doing.
And, yes... the right to bear arms, the formation of a well-regulated militia (AKA: state-funded National Guard units), and the presence of a standing army, are paramount to the survival of a nation.
I don't quite follow where stupid comes into play, on my end, though... all you'd have to do is read my posts, to get some kind of idea as to how educated I am.
I'll let you in on something, however... I was two years into a Biology degree, when the towers fell, and I quit to join the Army. There was something more important, at hand than my higher learning, at that point.
Am I stupid simply because I reject your racist world-view? Or am I stupid simply because I'm not totally white?
One thing, though, White Racist Destroyer... did you see the "14", and the "88", on their little banner, there... 88 means Hail Hitler... so, tell me whether or not they're Nazis.
No, Murphy's law 1, the 88 stands for the 88 precepts, or rules for whites to live by, as written by David Lane, a man who was leader of "The Order".
Here's the link:
The bullshit about 88 meaning Heil Hitler due to H being the 8th letter of the alphabet is another jew lie that cattle like you lap up as truth.
And of course there are Jew plants pretending to be pro-white who'll march before TV cameras saying the same lie, all again for cattle like you to believe since you're not smart enough to think for yourself.
And yes, I iknow combat. Operation Praying Mantis on 18 April 1988, and then the First Gulf War in 1991.
I was a Navy Corpsman with the 2nd Anglico Division of the U.S. Marines from 1986 to 1994, all active duty.
Praying Mantis was a Naval surface engagement, in retaliation for a US missile cruiser being damaged, and nearly sunk, by a mine.
Two Marines were killed, when a helicopter was brought down.
But, you already know all that, having been there (I was 10, when that happened).
I was specifically talking about land combat, though it is likely that you saw a little of that, in Desert Storm.
What I don't understand, is how a medic (corpsman, in your case, but they're practically the same thing), who knows for a fact, that all human beings are made of the same stuff, regardless of color, could possibly hold any racist sentiments, as shaky as yours seem to be.
Every medic I've ever talked to, sees everyone; black, white, Jewish, etc, as a potential patient, whose life may well depend on the medic's own skill, and dedication. They take their job seriously, and that trickles into personal/spiritual/moral views, as well... seeing all human life as paramount, over anything else.
Medics typically have a more humanistic view of the world, than other soldiers, rarely believe in God, and all of them I've met, hate racism, in all forms.
I know only one former medic who left his acquired views behind, when he ended his medical career, and even he still knows that color and race don't matter worth a damn.
In the eight years of active duty almost every white I met (90%) came to realize that multiculturalism and integration don't work. If I had a penny, just a penny, for every white who told me that he or she was not prejudiced before entering the military but became that way after living in close quarters with non-whites and seeing how non-whites REALLY are, I'd have alot of money. Myself included. I was raised by bleeding heart liberal parents and I believed all the typical mainstream lies until I entered the REAL world.
My parents retained their childish ideals until they moved to Florida and were mugged by blacks and were forced to move again to a WHITER neighborhood. Now they agree with me.
Racism IS a disease. You catch it from non-whites.
Where have you been, Fucktard?
Remember when you wrote:
"I think I'll be regularly harassing this smooth-brained ape. I fucking hate racists... especially if they're Nazis"
Then, like a woman, you disappeared. I see that your last post on your blog was on December 27th last year.
Did your short, child like attention span cause you to lose interest in adult topics, causing you to go back to playing video games and watching cartoons?
You are a bon-fide phony CLOWN.
Hey murphyboy I look foreward to seeing you on that feild too, I can hardly wait.
If your in a hurry let me know, you and I can start the little party by ourselves.
your little soldier boy faggot liberal crap don't impress me.
In case you forgot, this country was founded by salve owning WHITE men. Most of them would be disgusted with the state of this country today. Whites no longer have a place to call their own... this is our country and we want it back. If you think that we are all a bunch of ignorant rednecks who have never seen combat, you are in for a rude awakening; we are united across this country in positions of power and we will secure our existence by any means necessary. Hail victory!
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
In my own personal experience I have witnessed over the past 40 years a distinct and very obvious anti-white racism in the United States that has been institutionalized into American society by Cultural Marxists (who are better known as the politically correct crowd). Cultural Marxists have been operating in the United States for about 80 years and their goal is to undermine and destroy American culture in preparation for first turning it into a socialist, then Marxist/Communist state. They attack all aspects of traditional American culture, including the traditional family, Judeo-Christian values, the father as head of the household, the traditional family, the institution of marriage as marriage between a man and woman, a belief in the free-market capitalist system of the United States, and even the Constitution itself. The Cultural Marxists were behind the feminist movement, behind the black, Hispanic, and other ethnic movements, and behind the pro-gay and lesbian movement. They infiltrated the educational institutions, government, Hollywood, the media, sports and other entertainment industries, and even various churches. Cultural Marxist influence came to a peak during the Vietnam War years. The Vietnam War actually became a catalyst for the Cultural Marxists' agenda. They use a theory called critical theory to find anything they possibly can that is negative to use to criticize American culture and the culture that founded the United States (which happens to be white European western civilization). They criticize American culture and white European culture, but deliberately ignore all the injustices and negative aspects of non-white cultures, nor can they come up with a better system than the American cultural system because there hasn't been a better system (under the Constitution as was created and established by the Founding Fathers, who all happened to be white men of the European Western Civilization cultural group). So these Cultural Marxists can criticize American culture all day long, but that's all they do - they can't come up with a better system because there has never been a better system. They criticize white European culture while ignoring all the technological, scientific, cultural, and other benefits white European culture has brought to the world. One needs to see the goal of the Cultural Marxists - destroy all resistance to Marxism in the United States, and that resistance is traditional American values. White people who founded American culture are to be criticized, slandered, and essentially destroyed along with other aspects of traditional American culture. Cultural Marxists play and use the race and gender card to isolate not just white people, but especially the white male because white males founded the United States so they must be "villainized" in keeping with the goals of the Critical Theory of Cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxists created Affirmative Action; they created the categorization of people into racial and gender groups, always encouraging the minorities and women as feeling like victims who would need help from another source against the white male. And who would that help come from? the "champion" Marxists themselves who have infiltrated government and caused it to become bigger and ever more a part of peoples' lives. The government has become more centralized in its control over people, which is a Marxist style of government. Marxists try to program people to think collectively instead of thinking as individuals. Categorizing people into racial groups and giving minorities preferential treatment is one example of programming them (the minorities) to think collectively as a racial group instead of thinking individually as a unique person who would take responsibility for their own lives. Marxists don't like individual thinkers because they are hard to control; collective thinkers are much easier to control. They also encourage people to be dependent on the government so they can be controlled by the government.
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