22 December 2007
Secession of States II: the Sequel
This is a map of the proposed Lakota Nation. An area that takes up parts of 5 states (most of Nebraska and South Dakota, as you can see), has announced it's secession from the Union, based on a loose interpretation of Article 6 of the US Constitution. This area is formerly the territory of the Lakota Indian Tribe. This happened earlier this month, but has yet to go into effect.
Now, the last time I read a history book, I seem to remember certain states seceding, back in the 1800's. Needless to say, things didn't work out too well, for the Confederate States. I think the withdrawal from all treaties, by the Lakota Tribe, is going to spell trouble for both the US, and the Lakota, in the next few years.
What I want to know, is why pick now, when we're smack in the middle of two wars, in Iraq, and Afghanistan? Just when the tide is starting to turn, in Iraq, and victory is within sight, we get nailed with a situation that may turn into another civil war.
The issue I see, is that every surviving Native American tribe is going to follow suit. This country is going to be plunged into utter chaos, and there will be another American civil war. I can certainly envision a domino-effect.
If the Indian Tribes want a better deal, they should work at ratifying the treaties, instead of rebelling against the Federal Government, and taking large chunks of states out of our union. The last time I checked, Native and "modern" Americans were supposed to be sharing this country. If either side isn't playing by the rules, then meetings should be held, to rectify the problems.
All the Lakota are doing, here, is causing a shit-storm. I've been in a shit-storm, before, and I don't like the way they smell. furthermore... this is making us look real bad, to our enemies, on the outside. And, if any Lakota thinks that the Islamo-fascists don't have a beef with the Native Americans, they need to do a little research into the thinking of the Muslim Terrorist. We're all in this America vs. Islamo-fascism thing, together, whether anyone likes it, or not. (that goes for you, too, Code Pink, and Neo-Nazis... they hate you, just as much as they hate me and my fellow soldiers).
Instead of arguing, bickering with us, breaking away from the union, and raising money to give to terrorists... you fools might want to think about who you're going to run to, the next time some zealot lights off a bomb, on US soil.
I'll give you a hint... he wears ACU's and a beret, he lives off your tax dollars, and he likes guns, alcohol, video games, freedom, and sex.
Now, the last time I read a history book, I seem to remember certain states seceding, back in the 1800's. Needless to say, things didn't work out too well, for the Confederate States. I think the withdrawal from all treaties, by the Lakota Tribe, is going to spell trouble for both the US, and the Lakota, in the next few years.
What I want to know, is why pick now, when we're smack in the middle of two wars, in Iraq, and Afghanistan? Just when the tide is starting to turn, in Iraq, and victory is within sight, we get nailed with a situation that may turn into another civil war.
The issue I see, is that every surviving Native American tribe is going to follow suit. This country is going to be plunged into utter chaos, and there will be another American civil war. I can certainly envision a domino-effect.
If the Indian Tribes want a better deal, they should work at ratifying the treaties, instead of rebelling against the Federal Government, and taking large chunks of states out of our union. The last time I checked, Native and "modern" Americans were supposed to be sharing this country. If either side isn't playing by the rules, then meetings should be held, to rectify the problems.
All the Lakota are doing, here, is causing a shit-storm. I've been in a shit-storm, before, and I don't like the way they smell. furthermore... this is making us look real bad, to our enemies, on the outside. And, if any Lakota thinks that the Islamo-fascists don't have a beef with the Native Americans, they need to do a little research into the thinking of the Muslim Terrorist. We're all in this America vs. Islamo-fascism thing, together, whether anyone likes it, or not. (that goes for you, too, Code Pink, and Neo-Nazis... they hate you, just as much as they hate me and my fellow soldiers).
Instead of arguing, bickering with us, breaking away from the union, and raising money to give to terrorists... you fools might want to think about who you're going to run to, the next time some zealot lights off a bomb, on US soil.
I'll give you a hint... he wears ACU's and a beret, he lives off your tax dollars, and he likes guns, alcohol, video games, freedom, and sex.
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How is victory in site in Iraq?
Do you call having to perpetually occupy a nation in order to force it to comply by our rules victory?
Have you ever read the works of those great men called our Founding Fathers??
Have you ever heard of one of them named John Quincy Adams?
He (Adams) was one of our Founding Fathers and our 6th President.
Read his words and BEHOLD:
"America goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own."
John Quincy Adams
The above sentence is an excerpt of a full short speech.
Here's the link to the full speech:
You are supporting a fascist regime which no longer represents the true values that MEN like John Quincy Adams built.
Todays nazi-like american government behaves today exactly like it's enemies behaved 60 years ago in World War II. Like all fascist regimes, it masks it's evil beneath a veil of benevolence so mindless sheep like you will follow it.
I wish the Lakota Indians luck. Good for them for having the balls to resist evil.
In the future you'll see more and more True Patriots massing together to do the same.
No, man.... never heard of John Quincy Adams... I just guessed up the name of my blog, all on my own, without his help.
Oh, damn... how did that poem by JQ Adams get down there, at the bottom of my page?
God damn, guy... you are really freakin brainwashed. You're telling me I'm supporting a fascist regime, and calling the US government Nazi-like, when... your organization is built on the teachings of Adolph Hitler. You spew extreme right-wing Nazi bullshit, all over the place, in your blog.
Are you really that stupid, or is the "All White Nation" thing just an act, with you?
Hint, asshole: I *am* a true patriot. I volunteered to fight a war, because 3000 innocent Americans were killed, for no reason, whatsoever, on 11 September, 2001.
I don't care how evil my CinC may or may not be... or how good he may or may not be. None of that matters, to me. The only thing that matters is that there have been no successful Islamic terrorist attacks, on US soil, since that day, and I am part of the reason why.
That makes me proud. That makes me a patriot. And, if Adams, GEN Washington, and Franklin, were alive, today... they would have hunted down the ones responsible for 9/11, too.
No, we should not just galavant off, and crusade, the way we did, last century. We should look out for our own , and let the rest of the world sleep in the bed they've made.
But, when someone attacks this country, and runs and hides... we need to bring the fight to the enemy, and teach them a lesson. I think the Founding Fathers would whole-heartedly agree.
As for victory, in Iraq... have you even been there?
If not, then shut the fuck up, and quit watching so much MSNBC. Fox has been much more honest, in covering the war.
9/11 was an inside job. Yes, muslims did, and our government let them. More and more people are coming to believe that.
You REALLY need to wake the fuck up.
Life isn't Disney World.
You don't care how evil your CinC is?
Neither did Hitler's Storm Troopers care how evil he was, they just followed his orders like good little sheep, like you.
Putting the words of great men on your blog doesn't mean SHIT.
Those words are to be followed, not used as decorations.
And, no, I don't get my news from the mainstream media.
I actually know many white Iraq vets who are coming to believe in the white separatist philosophy because the war has opened their eyes to how corrupt our government has become.
Awaken to the truth:
And here's an essay by a marine who not only served in Iraq, but did 20 years active duty in the corps:
Don't compare me to yourself, or anyone like you. I serve the American people, not the President. I serve the Constitution, not temporary policies.
Last time I checked, my orders are handed down from a General Officer, not a politician.
This country is nothing like Nazi Germany, and I am no storm-trooper.
As I said before... the only thing that matters to me, is that American civilians sleep relatively peacefully, at night, because I protect them from the Islamo-fascists.
It pains me to hear stories on the news of people being murdered, raped, robbed, and mistreated... but that's life.
Do I wish it wasn't that way? Of course I do. But, do I blame one group of people, for all of society's woes, like you do? Certainly not!
I'll tell you, right now... there are Jews and black people serving in this nation's military, that are upholding your freedoms. They do that job just as well as any white person. I've seen this, with my own eyes, and no pompous, bloviating, racist windbag is going to make me believe anything else.
What it all comes down to, is we're all human beings. Whether you like it or not, your life is worth just as much as a Jew, a black, a Mexican, or an Asian. We all bleed the same color.
I may not like my black battle buddy's rap music... but, I know I can count on him to watch my back, downrange. Same goes for my white battle buddy, and his god-awful country-western.
Again, you're comparing the military to real life, and there's just no comparison.
As I explained in a response to one of your comments on my blog:
A) The military SCREENS people before it accepts them: No criminal record, drug abuse HIV, moral turpitude, etc.
The ASVAB tests their mental capacity to determine the job they'll have.
Therefore, the kinds of non-whites that enter into the military are from the small number who know how to behave like full fledged human beings. Yes, sometimes a bad one manages to slip through the cracks, which brings us to
B) The UCMJ, or Uniform Code of Military Justice, a strict, no nonsense system of rules that kicks ass and takes names. Any bad apples that slipped through the screening process and can't refrain from acting like savages will quickly be dealt with under the UCMJ. No plea bargains or slaps on the wrist here like in civilian life.
So as a result of the military's screening system and strict justice system (UCMJ) you're not going to encounter the common scumbag gang banger, or lazy stupid welfare breeder that makes up most blacks in civilian life.
And yes, in combat, which I also was in (Operation Praying Mantis on 18 April 1988, and first Gulf War) people are concerned with staying ALIVE. That means that even Louis Farrakhan and the black panthers will be nice to whitey on the battle field and vice versa.
See how long that lasts when you all come back home.
Oh, and you obey the Constitution?
Then stop fighting in Iraq NOW, because it's an illegal war. WHY?
Because Congress never declared war officially.
IN FACT, the U.S. Congress has NOT officially declared war SINCE World War II!
That means EVERY war since WWII (Korea, Vietnam, Beirut, Grenada Invasion of Panama, first Gulf war and now Iraq) are ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
I'll bet you didn't know that. And I'm not at all surprised.
Now, tell me I'm stupid, again, buddy.
I just tricked you into outright contradicting your own beliefs. I guess you really don't believe that *all* black people are savages. Which means there must be some amount of human decency left, in you.
I may have been wrong about you, afterall... you're not a racist scumbag.
And, actually... Congress Authorized military actions in Iraq, by way of H.J. Res. 114, on 16 Oct., 2002, and has not yet lifted that authorization.
Therefore, the war is certainly not illegal.
U.N. resolutions, and diplomatic peer-pressure, have caused us to come up with terminology that means the same thing as a formal declaration of war, without saying the actual words. It has the appearance of being less severe, but by definition, is no different.
Politics is a confusing game that I'm exceedingly glad I don't have to play.
I didn't contradict anything. I NEVER said that ALL were bad, just MOST. And most is enough to not want to live among them.
YOU possess the childish idea, based on false Jew propaganda, that all white separatists think that EVERY SINGLE non-white is bad.
And actually, we admit that certain non-whites, like orientals such as the Japanese and Chinese have the highest IQs of all races.
It's the BLACKS that are the most inferior race, but even they have some individuals that are very smart. BUT, since most aren't, we concern ourselves with the stupid majority, not the smart minority.
Someday, (not in our lifetime or anytime soon), all the stupid blacks will die off from their homicides, AIDS, degenerate lifestyle, etc., and only the smart blacks will be left.
Then, the smart blacks will have only themselves to marry and procreate with and the world will see a new kind of civilized black.
This is a phenomenon of evolution called "The Process of Natural Selection".
EVERY race on the planet has been through it. Blacks are now having their turn.
You need to stop getting your information from the Jew Tube.
Here's a good book for a beginner to introduce you to what White Separatism is all about:
The author, Edgar J. Steele, is an attorney from Boise, Idaho.
Read this book, for real, and even if it does not change your mind, it will definitely give you a clearer and more adult like idea of what we're about.
Hell, you might even become the world's first Oriental/Latino White Separatist!
Larry King and Geraldo Rivera would have a field day with that!
You wrote:
"And, actually... Congress Authorized military actions in Iraq, by way of H.J. Res. 114, on 16 Oct., 2002, and has not yet lifted that authorization.
Therefore, the war is certainly not illegal.
U.N. resolutions, and diplomatic peer-pressure, have caused us to come up with terminology that means the same thing as a formal declaration of war, without saying the actual words. It has the appearance of being less severe, but by definition, is no different.
Politics is a confusing game that I'm exceedingly glad I don't have to play."
What U.N. resolutions and diplomatic peer pressure have done is made our "leaders" and whore politicians think they have a right to go around the rules of our constitution.
Unless Congress oficially declare war, the war IS ILLEGAL, period.
Any Constitutional Scholar will agree and MANY have written articles about how this shows that our Constitution is being cheapened and weakened.
The people need to stand up and protest this because once we let them have one thing they'll incrementally start taking other rights, just as we have seen recently.
Military resolutions, executive orders, etc., are all illegal and contrary to our constitution.
I've already addressed the issue of Iraq, a number of times, in this blog. If you're curious to know my response, you need only backtrack, and find out my real thoughts and feelings, on the war.
As for your previous post... nothing I have ever said could possibly be construed to give any indication that I have, or ever will have, the capacity to become a white separatist.
I've said it dozens of times, I believe that racism, in all forms, is only causing humanity, as a whole, to regress.
There's not much to be said for any "benefits" of being "progressive"... but, at the very least, we regained a certain amount of decency, by attempting to rid ourselves of racism.
The civil rights movement was largely a very beneficial thing, to American society, until the 90's, when it was taken to such an extreme, that anti-white sentiments were not only tolerated, but almost encouraged.
Once we, as a whole, correct that social over-compensation, I believe that we will be a new, and better America. Same goes for over-compensation on issues of tolerance, discipline, and punishment (both criminal, and parental).
If you want to know why there are people of all races, in America, who are behaving like wild animals... it's because our justice system is too soft. Not because of race, or creed... because we have a court system which slaps people on the wrist for heinous crimes such as murder, rape, and child molestation (the latter two primarily perpetrated by whites, if you read your information correctly... as well as serial killings, and cannibalism).
If you, and your little crew really wanted to see the crime bullshit end... you'd be railing against the lackadaisical justice system, and the outlandish concept of "restorative justice". And, for that, we are all to blame. All races, that is.
You wrote:
"As for your previous post... nothing I have ever said could possibly be construed to give any indication that I have, or ever will have, the capacity to become a white separatist."
If you don't possess the intelligence to identify such obvious sarcasm when you see it, then you possess a level of STUPIDITY that is beyond comprehension. You're NOT WHITE so you CANNOT be among us. GET IT?
Then, to confirm your stupidity even more (as if that's possible) you wrote:
"If you, and your little crew really wanted to see the crime bullshit end... you'd be railing against the lackadaisical justice system, and the outlandish concept of "restorative justice". And, for that, we are all to blame. All races, that is."
If you'd read what we're REALLY about and not what the media says (I gave you links to the right sources) you'd see that we do 'rail against the lackadaisacal JEWISH DOMINATED "justice" system.
Start reading before you speak and make ASSumptions, for all you do is expose your non- white lack of intelligence even more, thereby solidifying what I say and stand for.
And, if you weren't such a fucking douchebag, you'd realize that the most heinous criminals... serial killers, mass murderers, child molesters, and cannibals... are primarily whites.
Except the Virginia Tech massacre... every single one of those school/church/mall shootings, were done by an emo-bitch white guy.
Ted Bundy was white. Jeff Dahmer was white. Sue Smith is white. The lady who dropped her 4-month-old baby in a bucket of wet concrete, and kept it in her garage, because she didn't want her boyfriend to break up with her (he didn't want to raise kids)... white.
And, those are just a few examples. So, I guess whites are just as bad as everyone else. But, I guess you don't pay attention to anything that goes on, in the world.
Take your fucking "Master Race" bullshit, and shove it up your ass.
I don't care how many times you swear up and down that you're not Nazis... if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it's a fucking duck. A goose-stepping, jack-booted, Nazi duck.
You're an expert at denying the truth even when it's shown to you directly.
As I've said before, It's the VOLUME of crimes blacks commit compared to whites.
Serial killings, school shootings, 'Susan Smith' type of murders, etc., don't happen by the hundreds every day the way drive by shootings, muggings, rapes, etc., occur EVERY DAY.
Granted, most of the victims of blacks are black (And That's GOOD!), which just shows how savagely blacks live by victimizing their own people and communities.
AND, they live this way in ALL BLACK COUNTRIES also, except it's even worse there.
NOW, prove me wrong about the VOLUME of crimes committed between the races. YOU CAN'T! And that's not your fault, that's just how it is. Blacks are savages. Even orientals IN THE ORIENT have the sense to know that!
Read this:
And who cares how a brainwashed fraud like you defines the word "Nazi". To cattle like you "Nazi" is anyone who disagrees with your sheeplike views.
The real Nazis are in Washington, DC.
What about denying the truth that all races are capable of such things? Do you seriously think I'm the one that's brainwashed? You're so far-removed from reality, that you don't even think you're a damn Nazi.
You're an ignorant racist bastard, yet, somehow, I'm the fool? It doesn't work like that, pal.
The only reason why those crimes aren't committed every day, by the hundreds, is because a woman can only have so many children, a serial killer stalks his victims for weeks, or months, prior to killing, and those rampagers usually kill themselves to escape justice.
However... child molestation happens at an unknowable rate. I've seen cases where grown men were raping 3-year-old girls. Pedophiles are the single most un-reconcilable criminals. As soon as they get out of jail, they find more victims... and yet, still, we let them out, to live amongst us.
Again... almost all child molesters are white males (though, some are white females). They don't care about the damage they do to those children, and even convince themselves that they love children.
If you ask me, I think child molesters are the real animals.
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