12 March 2008

My Murdered Brother and Sister

SGT's Timothy and Randi Miller... a dual-military married couple... two decorated combat medics, who were happily married, and parents to a 6-month old girl named Kasidy, were murdered, in cold blood, by a fellow servicemember... SPC* Ivette Davila, a despicable waste of genetic material.

SPC* Davila is an affront to the military, for what she did to my comrades. She shot them to death, took their daughter, and ran errands, to buy muriatic acid, which she used to douse the bodies, in their own bathtub, right in front of the young girl. She then went merrily on her way, to buy things to care for the child, and took her back to her barracks room.
She told her friends she was babysitting the kid, while her parents were out of town.

After her arrest, she claimed to have committed the murders in a "crime of passion", stating that she and SGT Randi Miller were in competition over another man (not SGT Timothy Miller). Friends and relatives of my fallen comrades say that the story is absolute bullshit... that the Millers were happy, together, and that there was absolutely no infidelity, in either of their lives.
I'm inclined to agree with them. I believe SPC* Davila was jealous of their lives, and murdered them, and seized their child, out of spite. Had she not been discovered, I honestly believe she would have attempted to raise the little girl, as her own.

Ivette Davila must be made to answer for her crime, with the ultimate penalty. We must put this betrayer to death, as a message to all of America, that murder will no longer be tolerated. Especially in a time of strife, where we, in the US Military must have total loyalty, respect, and sense of family, with one-another. Davila has betrayed the entire military, with her actions, and shamed us, greatly.
Specialist is supposed to be an especially honorable rank... to live, work, and fight, as an example of excellence and proficiency, to all three lower ranks. The ultimate lower-enlisted soldier. Davila betrayed her fellow Specialists, by utterly failing to live up to this expectation, and humiliated all who wear, or ever have worn, that vital and honorable rank. That is why I place an asterisk by her rank. she has forfeited it, but it isn't yet official.

Let all who read this, acknowledge, and call for the sentencing of death upon this individual, and any other "servicemembers" who choose to slay fellow American warriors, in such a manner.

As a final note, SGT Timothy Miller was posthumously promoted to Staff Sergeant, and hopefully, his wife receives the same honor.
To SGTs Timorthy and Randi Miller... if there is a special place, in the afterlife, for warriors, I know you are there. Rest easy... those of us who are still here, will carry on.


Ladygreen said...

Finally a person who I see eye to eye with on National issues! Thank you for this blog...it's nice to know there are still people who believe in America and want things to be the way they should be! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I served with the Millers while I was stationed in Korea at 121st hospital with them both. They were the sappy couple that made you sick because they were so in love. A friend I hadn't heard from for almost a year called me out of the blue to tell me the news about them and it started a cascade of phone calls to fellow friends not thought of much since my tour there. It is amazing, we check the casuality list for people we know, not the news of a couple slain in thier home by a crazy lady, a "fellow soldier". If you can not trust the person next to you, what are we fighting for?

Murphy's Law 1 said...

Thank you. Would you be interesting in joining the Sons of Liberty? Correspond with me, by email, and I'll get you some more information.

I too, knew the Millers. What happened to them is unfortunate, to say the least... they were good people. The very model of a happy dual-military couple.
I haven't heard anything about Davila's fate, during my travels. Hopefully, she was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.